Boerderij Chips
Social Visual Identity
The Brand & Brief
Boerderij Chips is a client that I worked on at WeConnect.
The client had little to no strategy for social, they also didn't have
clear visual guidelines so to me this was a carte blanche, a
designers dream!
I started by doing some research and pinning what I thought could work for this
brand. They farm the potatoes for the chips carefully and that is what you
can taste in this brand. However they are down to earth, informal and
the branding they have in their logo really is bold.
Before designing I made a few visual guidelines to make it easier
for my self and to help the client with their future communications.
Visual Style
I pitched 2 different styles, the first one was more focussed on land, greenery and being
sustainable, but it was the safe choice. Luckily the client went for the more grungy, edgy and
playful style.
I created a lot of mockups to get some life in the designs and I think it works
beautifully together. The branding has a lot of potential to implement in
the website, DooH, commercials and advertising.
The Results
We definitely got attention with the new social designs and the ads we
set live. The results were very positive for a very first social campaign. Because
we have no reference materials at this stage we can't take real
learnings from these numbers but we did got extra followers on
the different platforms and we do have a higher ranking
in search engines
CPM: €1,29
CTR: 0,26%
3.324 clicks
2.027.522 impressions
1.261.557 reach